Contact Us

When it comes to Donghua List, the community is very important to us and we want to help in any way that we can. If there are any questions or feedback you may have; please do not hesitate to reach out.


Email Us:

For general questions feel free to send an email over to where we will get back with an answer as soon as possible usually within 24-48 hours.


Support Tickets:

If someone is stuck technically or has an issue they cannot seem to solve then they should sign up for an account here on our website so they can create support tickets which allow us track their requests more easily and provide them the necessary assistance faster.


Join Our Community:

If anyone wants a better experience altogether; joining our community would be great, Here one gets interacted with other users who love Chinese anime just like themselves hence not only sharing but also asking questions and contributing towards discussions about different Donghua series.
Thank you for visiting We hope that you will enjoy your time here.