About Us

Our platform was created by a group of friends passionate about the depth and artistry of Donghua (Chinese Anime). The intention is to broaden the accessibility and the knowledge of Donghua among different groups of people as well as create an environment where enthusiasts may delve into these complex tales, find their new favorite Donghua, discuss and share thoughts about them. Whether you’re looking for a compiled list showing top series or want detailed reviews with insights on industry trends, our website has the content related to Donghua that hopefully could be helpful for you.

Donghua List - About Us


Who We Are

We were a small group of friends who could not stop talking about our favorite donghua. We were moved by the complexity of Chinese animation and wanted to provide a place where other fans like ourselves can engage in everything to do with donghua, hence this platform was born.


Our Purpose

Our interest was further sparked when we realized how much there is to be loved in this type of entertainment: from intense action scenes paired with deep storytelling all the way through stunning art styles used during animation. But what does it mean without having anyone watch or read them? Our mission is simple, making these stories more accessible for broader audiences and creating spaces where people can share their adoration for such fantastic productions freely.


What We offer

Here, you can find a curated list of the top 200 Donghua series, making it easy to find your next favorite or catch up on classics. Our regularly updated blog dives deep into new releases, offers detailed reviews, and discusses trends in the industry. We also provide a platform for community-created lists and a list of voice actors behind your favorite characters.



Yo can visit Donghua List regularly for the extensive archive of articles that we have put together over time, there is something for everyone, Whether you want A to Z on a particular show or all round discussions about different styles employed within Chinese animation; our blog has got it covered.


Lists (Community Donghua Recommendations)

Community Recommendation: We have a list titled Community Donghua Recommendations. The creators of this page are people like yourself who share their different preferences and favorites thus reflecting what people like within the community. Here you will find series that you didn’t know existed based on other fans’ experiences and likings.


Donghua Voice Actors

Get to know them more; visit Donghua Voice Actors for more information about your best characters’ voices behind the scenes. In different shows or movies, we have different voice actors who bring life into these animations so this section provides a list of voice actors in different Donghua.


Join Us

We invite you to be part of DonghuaList.com which is not just an encyclopedia but also a community. We would like you to share with us what you know about Chinese animation especially if it has caught your attention recently. This place is also where old fans can find out more about titles they were unaware of and make friends with others who love Donghua too.



All our guests should feel at home when they visit us because here at DonghuaList.com every person matters equally. While going through the list of popular shows, reading through some blog posts, or chatting with fellow fans, we hope this site will keep calling you back.
And lastly we would like to thank you for stopping by; now you can go forth and explore the beauty of Chinese anime.